
Help text …

Published as pre-release. 2021.10.25.0

Updated some help texts that were misleading. Thanks Thomas :)

There might be a couple more here and there, I tend to copy modules … and errors.


Fixed filter bank


Published as pre-release. 2021.10.24.1

Made a new fixed filter bank module with 38 bands, starting at 35Hz each next band has a 17% higher central frequency for it’s bandpass filter till the last sits at about 12kHz..

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A bug fix and some changes


Published as pre-release. 2021.10.24.0

The oramics1 module’s mode was not working, fixed that.

Made some changes on the OscPercCS module. A punch2 mode was added, which alters the wave shape and added shape control. Everything still works the same otherwise, but there can be some change of color now. A shape of 0.5 (which is the default value) gives the original color, the modulation works additive - not multiplicative.

Had to change the layout a bit to make room for the extra controls.


Small changes

Published as pre-release. 2021.10.20.0

Added output value indication to the Oramics1 modujle and a trigger indicator to the OscPercCS module, this got reflected in the earlier images.


Boids …

Published as pre-release. 2021.10.18.0

The boids module’s layout got fukt, unfukt that …

Fixed and changed the Oramics1 module

Published as pre-release. 2021.10.17.1


The Oramics1 modue had the in/out level conversion not working - fixed that.

Also added a couple of modes to the module:

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A new module and some extra modulations


Added a couple of modulations to the percussion osc, for click, decay and fine (cents) control.

Also made a new module, a prototype for a Daphne Oram type of Oramics module. I plan to make some variations on this one.

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Added an AM input to the percussion oscillator

Added an AM input to OScPercCS to be able to dynamically control the level.

Published as pre-release. 2021.10.13.2

Fixed the percussion oscillator’s name


Changed the odd name OcTrigCS from the previous lemma into OscPercCS, this will break patches made by the previous version using this nmodule, but eh … it was correctly named in places and incorrectlhy in others. So … just fixed it, sorry for the mess.

Published as pre-release. 2021.10.13.1

Two new modules


Made two new modules, a Copy/shuffle modle and a percussion oscillator.

The Copy module copies it’s inputs to it’s outputs - but the coupling can be randomized in some way.

The percussion oscillator is loosly modelled after the pch2csd interpretation of the Clavia G2 OscPerc modue (type 195 there) - it ended up a bit different than the original escpecially for the punch mode. Oh, and it got a bit of an odd name somehow … OscTrigCs, will fix that later on.


Published as pre-release. 2021.10.13.0